Join theCAT and become a part of our IT organization!
Your first step towards becoming a CAT is to attend the Braindump Orientation. Sign up to receive notifications about the Braindump Orientation 2023 by logging into your PSU email account and clicking the button below.
Admission to theCAT only happens once a year during the Fall term. If you are interested in joining, please make sure that you attend the 2023 Braindump Orientation that is held on October 6th, 2023.
Any PSU student can join theCAT, regardless of major, background, or prior experience. Come by to see what we’re all about!

What is theCAT?
TheCAT is the Computer Action Team: a self-selected group of student volunteers from diverse majors and backgrounds who learn, grow, and innovate together on the systems in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science (MCECS).

TheCAT is managed by the Director of Computing for MCECS and consists of a team of volunteers, student workers, and a handful of full-time employees. With the guiding hand of experienced veterans in the IT industry, students are given license to make connections and shape the organization for years to come.