CATs Go to Beaver BarCamp

BarCamps are conferences where attendees have an active role in deciding what the topics for sessions will be by volunteering to lead sessions. The location [...]

2017-06-04T22:27:00+00:00April 25th, 2016|

The ORKs Cohort Graduates

Since its inception. the Braindump has never had a firm sense of closure. We would keep going until we ran out of things to talk [...]

2016-09-14T05:01:56+00:00January 14th, 2016|

Videocats make MELT promo video

The CAT has an internal video production group called the Videocats. They shoot/edit/deliver Braindump oriented material in addition to various other projects that include MCECS [...]

2017-06-04T22:27:01+00:00September 15th, 2015|

First Meeting and Induction – Oct 18

The orientation last week broke previous attendance records, clocking in at 124 newcomers. Those who attended learned about what the Braindump is, and heard from [...]

2013-10-18T00:21:45+00:00October 18th, 2013|

CATs at Beaver Barcamp 12

Hot off the heels of a successful Braindump orientation, CATs from the current and previous Braindumps woke early the next [...]

2017-06-04T22:27:03+00:00October 14th, 2013|
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